摘要: |
林权改革 乡村林业 中山市 参与
基金项目:广东省软科学研究项目“林权改革与广东乡村林业发展研究”,项目编号:2007B07090073 |
Study on the reformation of collective forestry right system and its relationship with community forestry in Zhongshan city, Guangdong |
Abstract: |
the study was focus on the reformation of collective forestry right system and community forestry in Zhongshan city. Shanxiang village, nanqu village, and wuguishan village were surveyed using . it is showed that The participation of the farmer play a very improtant role in the reformation of collective forestry right system. On the basics of analyse, some counter measure were put forward in order to impress the reformation .
Key words:
reformation of collective forestry right system; community forestry; Zhongshan city; participation