摘要: |
文章以马尾松、桉树材、马占相思和南洋楹四种木材为研究对象,采用KJQ,TRQ,WAQ 3种涂料与防腐剂复配处理木材,研究复配涂料对木材耐腐性能的影响。结果表明KJQ复配涂料处理对提高马尾松的耐腐性能较其它2种涂料好。由KJQ复配涂料处理后,马尾松、桉树、马占相思和南洋楹木材的耐腐性能由原来的稍耐腐等级提高到强耐腐等级,其中KJQ与 DDAC、IPBC和SGB三种活性成分复配后处理材的耐腐性能较好。
基金项目:农业科技成果转化资金项目:“南方人工林木材防腐技术的推广”(2008GB2E000240)。 |
Study On The Decay Resistance Properties of Treated Wood with Protective Coating Reagent |
Abstract: |
Masson pine wood was treated by three kinds of coating material and preservative component. Results showed that KJQ coating material with DDAC, IPBC and SGB had better compatibility than the other two.The laboratory decay resistance of treated wood was improved compare to the control sample. Masson pine, Eucalyptus, Acacia mangium and Molucca albizia after preservative treatment reached to the high decay resistance level from the decay resistance level. The relative weight loss of treated wood decreased 17%~86% based on that of the control sample. and SGB、DDAC、IPBC had better compatibility with KJQ coating material.
Key words:
wood preservatives, coating, decay resistance properties